Letter to Shareholders
As Chairman of Peña Verde, and on behalf of the Board, I would like
to greet and welcome you to our first annual report.
Enrique Julio Zorrilla Fullaondo
Chairman of Peña Verde
Peña Verde, S. A. B.
In Peña Verde Group we are a portfolio of companies primarily dedicated to risk management, drawing for this purpose from our Insurance and Reinsurance Divisions. Our wide scope in the industry comprehensively covers the management of risk from its inception to its final placement.

Business Divisions

Represented by General de Seguros, which consolidates General de Salud and other subsidiaries

Comprises Reaseguradora Patria, the oldest reinsurance company in Latin America, it has collaborated with the risk management of the reinsurance industry through comprehensive services and personalized advice on economic, technical and administrative topics.

Business Support and
Transformation Division
This newly-formed division seeks to coordinate efforts to achieve a technological and cultural transition in our Group

Asset Management
and Financial
Strategy Division
Its main objective is integrate in our efficient management of capital a common area, given it is as a scarce asset, with the aim of attaining higher returns than those offered by the market by means of building and sustaining an optimal capital structure