Our business community with offices in Mexico, London, Miami and Chile is made up of over 900 associates.
All our offices are guided by one common goal: to be the international reference in our impact areas. More than 65 years of experience sustain our financial and technical expertise, supported by solid work teams with great human qualities.
As for our human capital management, we have developed, and live by, a work culture based on integrity, quality work, customer service, facing challenges, transformation and a passion for our work; we strive for harmony in our personal lives, and treasure the value of human relationships.
At Peña Verde, we think about our people as we plan, this is why we have been recognized as a Great Place to Work in Mexico, in the banking, insurance and finance sector.
We conduct work climate surveys following the Great Place to Work methodology, aiming to identify different aspects of the work environment (pride, companionship, trust, credibility and communication) and step in to promote and generate a better organizational climate for companies, teams and individuals.

Associates Breakdown by Country

Subsidiary | # of Associates with Permanent Contract | # of Associates with Temporary Contract | Total Associates | Associates | in Mexico |
General de Seguro (1) | 607 | 53 | 660 |
Servicios Administrativos Peña Verde | 102 | 3 | 105 |
Reaseguradora Patria | 100 | 4 | 104 |
CCSS | 23 | 6 | 29 |
General de Salud | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Total Associates in Mexico | 833 International |
66 Associates(2) |
899 |
Santiago (Chile) | 7 | 0 | 7 |
Miami (Estados Unidos) | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Londres (Reino Unido) | 4 | 0 | 4 |
Total International Associates | 12 | 0 | 12 |
Grupo Peña Verde’s Total Associates | 845 | 66 | 911 |
(2) All international associates are contracted to Reaseguradora Patria
General de Seguros’ Associates Breakdown by Entity

Entity | # of Associates |
Aguascalientes | 5 |
Baja California | 27 |
Chihuahua | 20 |
Ciudad de México | 441 |
Coahuila | 15 |
Durango | 3 |
Guadalajara | 16 |
Guanajuato | 13 |
Michoacán | 6 |
Nuevo León | 14 |
Puebla | 9 |
Querétaro | 7 |
Sinaloa | 10 |
Sonora | 45 |
Veracruz | 12 |
Yucatán | 17 |

Peña Verde Experience
We live by the best labor practices in Mexico,
and in each country where we have a presence!
- Social responsibility and wellbeing projects for our associates
- Strong work culture of total respect and transparency.
- Grupos de trabajo con alto valor humano y en comunidades plurales
- Competitive value proposal based on equality, and we strive to provide professional development and a life-work balance
- Continuous training and development in all areas of the human sphere, to achieve comprehensive growth.

The work, your personal development and growth at Peña Verde,
make up some of the best experiences in our associates’
personal and professional lives!
- Career paths driven by personalized development programs
- Training plans to develop in the associate in its respective position
- Mobility and growth among the group’s companies at the national and international levels
- We focus on constant challenges that allow us to bolster talent in the different business units
- Functional leadership models
- High-performance teams
- Focus on aptitudes and cultural pillars

Turnover Rate
- Our consolidated turnover rate in 2020 was 14.5%
- CCSS posted the highest turnover rate among our subsidiaries at 51.32%. However, it is necessary to underscore that a significant portion of this rate corresponds to medical associates who have been accepted to study a specialty
- The lowest was that of Reaseguradora Patria with 5.89%
- Turning to General de Seguros, the region with the highest impact in the turnover rate was Mexico City with 9.19% (where it has the largest number of employees).
Below is a breakdown of the turnover rate of our subsidiaries, as well as the consolidated turnover rate of the Group, by age group and gender:

Servicios Administrativos Peña Verde

General de Seguros

Reaseguradora Patria

Grupo Peña Verde

We believe that men and women should enjoy equal opportunities to perform and that their career growth should be solely by reason of hard work and talent, which is why we are currently developing an Integral Diversity and Equality policy.
Associates Breakdown by Gender (%)
Associates | % of Male Associates with Permanent Contracts | % of Male Associates with Temporary Contracts | % of Male Associates | % of Female Associates with Permanent Contracts | % of Female Associates with Temporary Contracts | % of Female Associates |
GENERAL DE SEGUROS | 49.8% | 3.6% | 53.5% | 42.1% | 4.4% | 46.5% |
SERVICIOS ADMINISTRATIVOS PEÑA VERDE | 48.6% | 1.9% | 50.5% | 48.6% | 1.0% | 49.5% |
REASEGURADORA PATRIA | 52.6% | 1.7% | 54.3% | 44.0% | 1.7% | 45.7% |
CCSS | 34.5% | 3.4% | 37.9% | 44.8% | 17.2% | 62.1% |
100.0% | 0.0% | 100.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
49.6% | 3.2% | 52.8% | 43.1% | 4.1% | 47.2% |

We have a training policy with clearly defined guidelines to manage the forming process of our associates in each of our subsidiaries.
This policy demands proactivity from the associates, as he/she will be the key responsible for the drafting and execution of his/her Training Agenda. On the other hand, area managers and immediate supervisors are in charge of encouraging and supporting the development and training of the associates under their lead.
The Training Area is responsible for ensuring that development programs in line with the strategic objective of securing the continuity of our business, as well of the succession programs and career plans. It is also responsible for overseeing the training and development programs, and ensuring compliance with the established policy and process.

Training Agenda
Responsibles for the preparation of the Agenda:
- The respective associate
- Immediate superior and area leader
- Training Area
How are the Training Agendas and the specific needs of the position and area established?
The Training Needs Diagnosis (TND) process is carried out to determine the fields of development of each associate based on the results of their performance evaluation, career path, culture, regulations and specific needs of the area.
Who prepares and authorizes the Agenda?
Each associate selects the training he/she deems adequate based on the results of the performance evaluation, and the immediate supervisor is responsible for validation and fine tuning. Finally, the Training Area adds mandatory training courses related to general topics, culture and regulations, on par of conducting an analysis of the required learning resources and available budget to prepare and submit the definitive version. This process is carried out using the Company's Human Resources System.
How is the training process conducted?
- The Training Department guides each associate in the scheduling of all internal and external activities
- Training activities (courses, workshops, seminars, certifications, etc.) are programmed and carried out, selecting the resources and learning modality in accordance with the topic. These activities can be provided by the Group itself or by external institutions
Associate responsibilities
- 80% attendance and achieve a minimum average of 80/100 of participation in the programs.
- In the event that he/she does fails the any training programs evaluation, he/she must cover expenses related either to a special exam or repeating the course, should that be determined by the institution.
- Should the associate not attain the minimum passing grade or the required attendance percentage, he/she will lose his/her right to benefit from our learning resources
Other Training Programs
- Company Induction: For new associates, comprises general induction course and initial on-the-job training.
- Courses on Regulatory and Corporate Governance Issues: Mandatory courses (at least once a year) on our compliance and corporate governance regulations (prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, protection of personal data, code of ethics, contracts with third parties, regulatory reporting, etc.).
- Other Courses: Includes special projects (e.g. language program, Accountability your best version in action) or any optional training offered by the Company.
- Transition Program: Conducted upon relocation of personnel, whether due to changes in functions, employee departures or retirement.
Average Training Hours per Associate per Year
Company | Strategic Team | Tactical Team | Operating Team |
Servicios Administrativos Peña Verde | 16 hours | 14 hours | 14 hours |
General de Seguros | 16 hours | 17 hours | 16 hours |
Reaseguradora Patria | 17 hours | 16 hours | 16 hours |
Grupo Peña Verde | 16 hours | 16 hours | 15 hours |
Accountability, your best version in action
As part of our ongoing cultural transformation process, we deployed a culture system geared towards promoting responsibility for own actions known as Accountability. For this, the executive managament prepared on the subject to develop the cultural pillars.
January: The management team put the experience it gained into practice with a 15-week cultural adoption plan.
Febraury to June: We convened with over 50 associates to invite them to become culture facilitators, of which 17 accepted the challenge of taking a supporting role in the cultural transition of Grupo Peña Verde. Their training consisted of:

August to November: We delivered over 60 "Culture Shift" workshops to more than 800 employees from Mexico, Chile and London.

Safeguarding the Health of our Associates
Through our Human Resources Area, we strive to ensure that all our associates are healthy, both mentally and physically, supporting them in living their life to the fullest and to thrive in all its aspects (work, personal, social, etc.). That is why in the last 5 years we have revised our policies, to protect and raise awareness on different aspects of health.
As part of associate perks, we provide different means to access healthcare (including but not limited to those covered by official regulations) which the can exercise for work-and-non-work-related issues. Among these we find the affiliation to Mexican Social Welfare Institute (IMSS), major medical insurance (subscribed with our companies) and the offering of a payroll discount scheme for the purchase of health insurance with an external provider.
We also have a Wellness Line with 5 types of telephone counseling (emotional, nutritional, administrative, legal and team management) while offering some support on emotional issues by means of therapy sessions.
As a preventative measure, we carry out different voluntary initiatives to improve the health of associates, such as conferences and workshops, free tests (weight, vision, general check-up, among others), discounts on health products, sports and meditation courses, health challenges, discounts on professional nutritional counseling, among others.
By 2020, with the entry into force of NOM 035 STPS, we began to conduct surveys to detect and identify psychosocial risks and traumatic events that associates may experience during work.
With the results of these surveys we will strive to deploy, starting in 2021, actions to prevent, mitigate and control these risks at three levels: i) within the Group in general, ii) in each area and iii) individually.

Health Protocols
Our health protocols are properly outlined in an internal document which copy is given to each associate.
We have a health care service available to all our associates during working day. The service is managed by CCSS, which is also responsible of collecting feedback on its effectiveness from associates.
To this end, the medical service will prepare a monthly statistical report of the cases attended to review it with the areas of Health, Human Resources and Legal, and thus propose and implement improvements in the medical service.
How are the risks to which associates are exposed identified?
During our path, we have identified a number occupational hazards to which our associates are exposed. This risk identification process was primarily empirical, since, given the nature of our operations, there are no activities that outstand for its high exposure to risk.
- In case of accident, information on the probable causes is collected directly from the associated for recording and investigation.
- The basic causes of risk are jointly investigated by the personnel who was present, the injured associate’s immediate supervisor and the Health and Safety areas to prevent future accidents
- In the event that the injured associate was treated at any of IMSS’ facilities, the Payroll Area will advise the corresponding person on how to complete the notice to assess the probable occupational hazard using the form provided by the IMSS (previously filled out by the associate)
Who is responsible for providing medical care?
• CCSS physicians will identify the risk level of the accident according to the CCSS Medical Care Traffic Light (used by the IMSS), as well as determining the type of medical aid needed by the associate. Moreover, CCSS Physicians will administer the necessary medical treatment (subject to the accident’s risk level), indicate self-care recommendations and provide the associate with medications.
Medical Care Traffic Light
Telephone Medical Counseling

- The civil protection brigade and the medical service are responsible for supporting in any medical emergency that may occur during the workday, providing first aid to the associate.
- It is our responsibility to supply the necessary materials and medicines for emergency medical aid, as well as to restock inventory.
Process overview
- Associates must contact CCSS as the first step to recieve medical telephone counseling by dialing the telephone number outlined in the internal document. If, due to the seriousness of the injury, the associate is unable to call or requires immediate medical aid this will be done at the place of the accident (see Medical Orientation Traffic Light and its informative table).
- If during the medical care, the CCSS physician determines that the associate must be transferred to an IMSS general hospital or to an urgent care center of the same Institute, the physician will notify a family member to come to our facilities to accompany and transport the associate to his/her assigned IMSS general hospital or urgent care center. The associate may request transfer to a private hospital, but in this case the expenses will be borne by the associate.

- The treating physician will make an entry in the "Medical Consultation Data Log" as the final step of the medical care and/or assessment provided, and will notify by e-mail to the Organizational Development Specialist all cases in which an emotional or psychological affectation (stress, depression, anxiety, any psychosocial risk and/or psychological disorder) has been detected or observed, either as a cause or consequence of physical or emotional health issues, for further follow up with the associate.
- The data log is strictly confidential and CCSS, which provides the medical service, is responsible for its management.
Associate Safety
We have a security awareness program that comprises aspects related to cybersecurity and physical security.
For physical security specifically, we use different media, such as newsletters and podcasts. The topics to be addressed are determined based on the periodic analysis of information from open sources conducted by our internal personnel with the support of providers specialized in the preparation of this type of reports.
In addition, we ensure that the security elements of the Industrial Banking Police assigned to our facilities receive training in human rights (14% of the elements). And we are currently implementing an awareness-raising program whose itinerary includes a human rights workshop for all security personnel for the second half of 2021.