Aseguradora de Crédito S.A., the founding company of General de Seguros S.A, begins operations
Aseguradora de Crédito S.A., joins the Mexican Stock Exchange
A group of Mexican and Norwegian investors (Storebrand) creates Reaseguradora Patria S.A.
Reaseguradora Patria S.A., joins the Mexican Stock Exchange
We start operating as a company under the name Mining Exploration Consultants, S. A.,
Aseguradora de Crédito S.A. is acquired by a group of officials and agents from the insurance sector -
We change our name to Minera Peña Verde, S.A. from Mining Exploration Consultants
Aseguradora de Crédito S.A. changes its name to General de Seguros S.A. 1978
We adopted the name Peña Verde S.A.
Storebrand exits Reaseguradora Patria
General de Salud S.A. begins operations
Reaseguradora Patria takes over the administration of the Mexican Atomic Pool (PAM for its Spanish acronym)
We adopted the form of sociedad anónima de capital variable, as defined by the Mexican Corporations Law
As a merging company, we merged with the holding companies Minera las Trincheras, S. A. de C. V. and Minera el Morado, S.A. de C.V., which were owned by our stockholders -
As a merging company, we merged with the holding companies Rajas, S. A. de C.V., Chic Xulub, S. A. de C. V., Compañía Latinoamericana de Servicios, S.A. de C.V. y Comercializadora Peñasco, S. A. de C. V., which were owned by our stockholders
To carry out a series of tender offers in order to take control of Reaseguradora Patria, S. A. B. and General de Seguros, S. A. B. through an exchange of shares, on July 9, our shareholders resolved to amend the Company's bylaws and adopt the form of a publicly traded corporation (sociedad anónima bursátil as defined by the Mexican Corporations Law)
On September 19, the tender offers concluded, resulting in the acquistion of an 85.8% stake in General de Seguros and a 99.97% stake in Reaseguradora Patria
We joined the Mexican Stock Exchange under ticker symbol PV
We formed Servicios Administrativos Peña Verde, S. A. de C. V., (SAPV), maintaining a 99.98% stake -
We conducted the delisting process of Reaseguradora Patria, S.A.B.
We opened Patria Re Marketing Services Ltd. (London)
We opened Patria Re Servicios SA (Santiago, Chile)
In november, we launched Patria Corporate Member, Ltd. (PCM), in London, England, which is exclusively authorized to conduct reinsurance business within the Lloyds market, and in December we received authorization to kickoff operations -
We launched CCSS - Peña Verde, S. A. de C. V., better known as Centro de Contacto de Servicios de Salud, a tele-health services center, maintaining a 99.99% stake
We acquired 4,232,181 shares of General de Seguros, S. A. B., increasing our stake to 98.14% 2018
We opened Patria Risk Management, Inc. (Miami)
Our assets exceed Ps.22 billion for the first time
We surpassed the Ps.10 billion mark in written premiums for the first time