Peña Verde Day
The Peña Verde Day is an annual event that we hold since 2016, in which we invite all our associates to voluntarily take part in activities that contribute to the environment and the community, promoting a positive experience and boosting the wellbeing for society.
In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was necessary to adapt the Peña Verde Day activities to a virtual format, resulting in the creation of the Mes Peña Verde, during which our associates had the opportunity to show their support and solidarity by donating resources, which total amount would then be doubled by the Group for subsequent donation to the Food Bank of Mexico.
The resources jointly donated by Grupo Peña Verde and its associates amounted to Ps.374,927.25, which was used to purchase 7 tons of rice and 5.7 tons of beans, later comprised into 3,168 food packages that benefited 12,732 people in the communities of Veracruz.
Impact on SDGs of Mes Peña Verde

UNiTE / Orange Day

We joined the UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign, launched in 2008 by the UN Secretary-General as an effort to raise public awareness and increase the authorities’ will and resources allocated to prevent, respond to and punish violence against women.
As part of these efforts, we participate in the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence that begin on November 25 each year with the Orange Day, in which, through the use of orange clothing, orange-painted objects and the dissemination of messages in favor of prevention, activists, governments and United Nations partners are called upon to encourage the population and address the issues related to preventing and ending violence against women and girls.
Therefore, we painted our headquarters in San Jeronimo and Patriotismo orange, for the purporse of spotlighting this severe problem, as well as rejecting it and being engaged in its eradication. We also posted of support in our media (internal and external).