Since we are primarily oriented towards the insurance sector (featured, among other things, by an ecological footprint that is certainly smaller than that of other industries), the environmental impact of our operations is not deemed significant.
Nonetheless, aware of the strong correlation between climate risks and the insurance industry, in October 2020 we joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. Through this membership, we seek to serve as nationwide reference in the areas of Human Rights, Labor Standards, Environmental Care and Anti-Corruption, while reaffirming our commitment to being a sustainable and responsible group.
To reduce our ecological footprint, we are currently developing an Environmental Policy and a Waste Management Program, based on the provisions of the Mexican Law for the Prevention and Comprehensive Management of Waste, the Mexico City Solid Waste Law, and Mexican environmental protection standard NOM-087-ECOL-SSA-2002. These endeavors include encouraging the reduction of waste generation and increasing the awareness of reuse and recycling.
Likewise, we are deploying initiatives to digitalize our operation and consequently minimize the amount of waste generated:

To minimize energy consumption, all the lighting in our offices is LED, and we also have highly efficient air conditioning equipment.
With regards to fuel consumed, this mainly corresponds to that required for transportation equipment and emergency power plants, which also use natural gas; while with respect to water, there is no use other than that required to keep our buildings in operation (garden watering, toilets, cleaning, etc.).
During 2020, we consumed a total of:

Note: The source of the data is the sum of the inputs in the respective bills.
Environmental Compliance
The responsibility for our environmental topics falls on several areas:
i) Compliance, together with the operating and service areas of our headquarters, monitors and ensures complete conformity with the applicable legislation
ii) Human Resources supports internal communication and contributes to the deployment of training and awareness campaigns
iii) Strategy and Sustainability oversees the above noted by adding this topic into our Corporate Sustainability Strategy