Grupo Peña Verde issues its first-ever Annual Sustainability Report dated May 31st, 2021, covering a full year of operation, from January 1st, 2020, to December 31st of the same year.
This report has been prepared under the GRI 2016 Standards reference, being the first step of Grupo Peña Verde towards the full adoption of the best practices established by the Global Reporting Initiative, aiming for a tighter adherence to the standards established by said institution in subsequent reports.
Given that, during the preparation and as of the issue date of this report, the Company was undergoing the process of conducting its first materiality study, it did not have complete information to accurately define the significant economic, environmental and social impacts of its operations. Therefore, for this edition, the Investor Relations department, which prepares Grupo Peña Verde's financial reports, with the support of IRDesign, a firm specialized in the preparation of sustainability reports, determined the following points as material topics for the report:
- Corporate Profile
- Financial and Operational Highlights
- Commitment to ESG Factors
The Company considers that these topics, together with their respective breakdown, reasonably cover the information that different stakeholders of Grupo Peña Verde may deem relevant. In this regard, the Group's Investor Relations team underscores its availability to provide feedback if necessary.

Also, to verify the information disclosed in this report as well as provide greater certainty to the statements included, please find attached the Report of Peña Verde’s External Auditor on Financial Information.