In Peña Verde, we are engaged in the acquisition of all kinds of shares or equity interests all kinds of companies, domestic or foreign, the provision on our own behalf or on behalf of third parties of all kinds of services, including administrative, accounting, advisory, commercial, financial, and operational services.
Our main activity is risk management, in which we participate through the Insurance and Reinsurance Divisions (made up of our subsidiaries General de Seguros and General de Salud, and Reaseguradora Patria and subsidiaries, respectively), covering all aspects from the origination to the final underwriting, and including complementary services with a low capital cost and linked to new technologies and digital strategies.
In addition to the aforementioned, we have registered with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial, known as IMPI for its Spanish acronym) several trademarks, which provide a sense of belonging and commercialization to the services we provide; the most important being PEÑA VERDE, S.A.B. since it is the name of the Group.
Insurance Division
Through General de Seguros, we operate in life, personal accident, liability, fire, earthquake, and other catastrophic risks, agricultural and animal, marine and transportation, automobile, and miscellaneous insurance, as well as credit insurance and reinsurance.

Through its subsidiary General de Salud, Compañía de Seguros S. A., we offer health and medical expenses insurance. And to support this business we have CCSS (Centro de Contacto de Servicios de Salud), which provides over-the-phone medical guidance services through the use of clinical algorithms, comprising more than 190 protocols.
In this regard, through a call with a qualified medical advisor CCSS can:

In this way:

General de Seguros, S.A.B. has a network of 3,079 insurance agents to offer its insurance services, with which 89.7% of sales are achieved. The agents are independent and are compensated through commissions and incentives according to the achievement of their sales goals; the rest of the sales are achieved through brokers.
Patents of General de Seguros

Reinsurance Division
Reaseguradora Patria is an insurance institution authorized by Mexico’s Insurance and Bonding Commission (Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas, known as CNSF for its Spanish acronym) to engage in various reinsurance and rebonding operations. To this end, the Subsidiary directly negotiates with domestic and foreign insurance and reinsurance institutions, and through reinsurance intermediaries.

Patents of Reaseguradora Patria